Her Untold Silent Screams

by Abhinav Patel

Butterflies in her dreams were replaced by fear
Life looks like a dark , miserable  road without cheer
She holds this emptiness  that can't be filled
And there is desolation  that veils the glinted field

As she stands paralyzed and strengthless
Victim of sexual violence makes senseless
Still, she gathers all her courage and says a prayer
That justice will cure her inner dullness, despair

But she knows deep down that she's not to blame
For the heinous acts inflicted on her frame
It's not her fault that someone chose to harm
And leave her with these scars so deep and stark

She deserves to be heard, to be believed
And for the perpetrator to be rightly grieved
For the justice to be served and seen
And for her shattered soul to finally glean

The hope and light that once shone so bright
Before the darkness took over her life
She can reclaim her power and voice
And take control of her own path and choice

It won't be easy, the road ahead is tough
But with love , support, and courage enough
She can heal, grow , and thrive
And create a life that feels truly alive

She can find her faith again in the midst of the pain
And rise above the trauma that once did reign
She can reclaim her joy , her dreams , her hope
And never again feel like she can't cope.
The marks she got never gonna disappear
Her heart trembled with fear

No one should be reduced to this painful state
Everyone deserves their basic human right to be safe
That can't be bought or sold and certainly not with pain
But strengthened within all hearts that come together and gain
This is a fight against injustice , abuse , and crime
Let's work towards a world where every being feels sublime