The Unspoken Section Of Diary

Abhinav Patel

Innocent and pure, a child once bright,
Now a victim of a heinous plight,
Her father, brother, uncles, and kin,
Subjecting her to sin upon sin.

Where once love and safety did reside,
Now a darkness crept and did preside,
A soul defiled, a heartbroken,
By those who should have been a haven.

She wept and begged for mercy's grace,
But found no succour in this place,
For those who should have been her shield,
Had turned upon her with savage zeal.

Her spirit shattered, her trust destroyed,
Her life consumed by those who toyed,
With her innocence, her very being,
In acts that left her with no meaning.

The cruelty of these beasts so vile,
Devoid of conscience, bereft of guile,
What madness could possess such men,
To inflict such pain on kin and kin.