The Murderer Industry

Abhinav Patel

In the darkness of the night,
Her tears fall like raindrops might,
Forced into a life of shame,
Sold for men to use, a never-ending game.

Her body is not hers to own,
As she is forced to be shown,
In videos for the pleasure of men,
Her soul screams out, never to be seen again.

In the darkness of the night,
Her tears fall like stars might,
Forced to sell her body and soul,
To satisfy the desires of men, she's lost control.

Her worth is measured in dollar bills,
Her body a product for men to thrill.
No longer human, but just an object,
Her humanity stripped away, it's now the subject.
Her pain and suffering, invisible to most,
Hidden behind closed doors, it's easy to boast.

Of a world that's just, and treats all as equal,
But the reality is harsh, and its effects so lethal,
Her body is a prison, her mind a maze,
She's trapped in a world with no escape, no way to blaze,
A path to freedom, to break the chains,
Of a life that's filled with so much pain.

But hope still lingers, a flame in the dark,
A light that can guide her to a brand-new start,
To reclaim her worth, and her dignity,
To break free from this life of indignity,

The life she leads is one of pain,
Her cries unheard, her heart in chains.
Her dreams of freedom now long gone,
Her spirit broken, her light now gone.

She was once a girl with hopes and dreams,
But now she's nothing, or so it seems,
Just a commodity, a product to sell,
A victim of a world that treats her like hell.

In the shadows, she hides her face,
Her eyes downcast, her heart displaced,
For all the hurt that she has known,
Has left her feeling so alone,
And yet, she fights to find a way,
To live another day .

To heal her wounds, to mend her soul,
To rise again, and be made whole,
For she knows that she is not alone,
That there are others who have known,
The pain and sorrow that she feels,
And have risen up, to break the seals.

To fight for justice, to make a stand,
To bring an end to this wicked land,
Where girls sold, bought and used,
Their bodies broken, their spirits abused,
And though the road ahead is long,
And the journey hard, and sometimes wrong.

She knows that there is hope to be found,
In the hearts of those who are truly sound,
For in their eyes, she sees a light,
That shines so bright, and breaks the night,
And shows her that she is not alone,
That there is hope, and a way to be shown.

So let us stand, and fight for those,
Who are trapped in lives of woes,
And bring an end to this cruel fate,
And lift them up, to a better state.

In a world that's meant to be free,
Girls are trapped, they cannot flee,
From the horrors that surround them all,
Their voices silenced, their backs against the wall.

Forced into a life they did not choose,
Their bodies sold, for men to abuse,
Their dreams and hopes, now crushed and broken,
Their souls shattered, their spirits stolen.

They live in fear, and endless pain,
Their worth measured in what they can gain,
For the men who buy them, they're just a toy,
A source of pleasure, their feelings void,
Their bodies are not theirs to own,
They're used and abused, and then thrown.

Into a world of darkness and despair,
A life they never wanted, never thought was fair,
And yet, they fight to keep their flame alive,
To survive another day, and to strive,
To break free from the chains that bind,
To escape the darkness, and leave it behind.

Their spirits may be broken, but not their will,
They have the courage to rise, and to fulfil,
Their dreams of freedom, of a life they choose,
Where they're not just objects, but humans too,

So let us stand with them, and fight their flight,
To bring an end to this cruel plight.
To build a world where all can be free,
And girls can live a life of dignity,

The porn industry, where tears can be seen,
Where bodies are objectified, for all to see,
A place where pleasure is the only goal,
And the human spirit is left without a soul.

It's a world that preys on our desires,
Exploiting our needs, and fueling our fires,
With images that leave us wanting more,
And leave our souls empty, and our hearts sore,

It's a world that tells us that sex is just a game,
A game where all are players, and there's no shame.
But the reality is far from what we're shown,
For the porn industry is a world of its own,
It's a world where girls are used and abused,
Their bodies sold, and their spirits bruised,

For the pleasure of those who pay to see,
A life that's broken, and no longer free.
It's a world where consent is just a word,
And the dignity of innocent girls often blurred,

Where their worth is measured in how they look,
And their value is placed in a porn star's book,
It's a world that's built on exploitation,
A world that feeds on our fascination.

With the human form, and its many ways,
But it's a world that leaves us lost in a daze,
For we're sold a lie, that sex is just for fun,
But the reality is that our souls are done.

For the porn industry takes more than it gives,
Leaves us empty, and unable to live,
In the shadows, hidden away from the light,
Lies the dark world of porn, a harrowing sight.

Where girls are exploited and used for gain,
Their bodies violated, their souls in pain,
The industry's greed knows no bounds,
Forcing girls to perform, leaving them bound.

Used and abused, with no hope for escape,
Their dreams and aspirations, forever erased,
Raped and beaten, treated as mere objects,
Their pain and trauma, society neglects.

Chained and enslaved, their bodies for sale,
Their lives destroyed, their dignity pale,
Their cries for help fall on deaf ears,
As they're forced to face their darkest fears.

Trapped in a cycle of abuse and shame,
Their lives forever tarnished, a scarlet stain,
The porn industry's dark secrets, hidden from view,
Exploiting the weak and vulnerable, their hearts askew.

Their worth measured by their looks, and nothing more,
Their humanity is stripped away, as they're pushed to the floor.
But we cannot stay silent, we must speak out,
Against the injustice that leaves so many in doubt.

We must fight for the girls, who are left in pain,
And create a world, where their dignity can reign,

For every girl who's trapped, and every girl who's hurt,
We must stand with them, and lift them from the dirt.

And build a world, where their worth is known,
And their dreams and aspirations can forever be grown.

Let us break the prison, that hold them down,
And create a world, where their dignity will abound.

For every girl deserves a life that's free,
From the bondage of abuse, and from the porn industry,