The Business Of Relations

by Abhinav Patel

It starts with the birth of a girl,
Parents dread the thought of the dowry they'll swirl.

A life of struggle, of saving every dime,
Just to marry off their daughter in time.

But even then, it's not enough,
The demands keep rising, the pressure is rough.

Gold, cash, cars, and property,
All for a marriage that's meant to be.

And then the groom's family enters the scene,
With their list of demands, so obscene.

The girl's family must comply,
Or risk bringing shame to their name.

dowry, the curse on society,
A barbaric practice that must cease to be,
A system built on greed and pride,
Where girls are sold like goods to buy.

The girl's dreams and aspirations are shattered,
Her life was no longer her own, but what the groom's family mattered.

She's a prisoner, a slave to their whims,
Her worth is measured in material things.

And if she fails to meet their demands,
She's abused, tortured, and everyday harmed.

Her fate left to the mercy of fate,
Her life in tatters, her soul full of hate.

We must break the shackles of this curse,
And ensure that every girl can live without fear.

It's time for us to take a stand,
And put an end to this practice, oh so grand.

Let's empower our girls to chase their dreams,
To be fearless and confident, to achieve the impossible it seems.

Let's break down the walls of this system so wrong,
And give every girl a chance to be strong.

For it's time to rewrite the story,
Of girls who are sold, and live so sorry.

Let's pledge to make a difference,
And free every girl from this vicious sentence