The Fictitious Practice To Slave innocent Souls

by Abhinav patel

Oh, dowry, a cruel and callous game,
Bringing only misery, sorrow and shame.
A tradition that has no place in modern times,
A scourge that should be purged from all minds.

Let us all take a stand against this vice,
And raise our voices against this injustice twice.
Let us declare our love without any price,
And break the chains of this system so unwise.

For a girl should be cherished, loved and free,
To pursue her passions and her destiny.
Let us create a world where she can thrive,
A world where her worth is never based on a bribe.

So let us pledge to support our sisters dear,
And break the shackles that they live in fear.
Let us fight against this practice so severe,
And end this dowry system once and for all, my dear.

In the game of dowry, it's not just the bride who's caught,
But the groom too, unknowingly, becomes a character of the plot.
A cycle of greed and coercion that repeats over time,
It's a tradition that's deeply ingrained, a cultural crime.

Father forgets that once he too had taken dowry,
And now he's forcing his daughter to bear the same story.
The groom too, blinded by his own ego and pride,
Doesn't realise that he too is on the wrong side.

But the bride, the victim of this cruel game,
Her life is ruined, her dreams go up in flames.
She's bought and sold, her worth measured in gold,
Her happiness and well being, forever put on hold.

It's time to break this cycle of abuse and greed,
To give the bride the respect and love she needs.
A union of two hearts, based on love and trust,
Without any price tag, without any lust.

For a dowry free society, we must fight,
And embrace a new dawn, where love is the only light.
Innocent eyes, so pure and bright,
A precious life that shone so bright,

But the world was cruel and full of plight,
And darkness fell upon her like a blight.

The men around her, so depraved,
An innocent life, they so enslaved,
Their lustful hands, so cruelly waved,
And shattered her soul, as she lay there unsaved.

From father to brother, uncle and friend,
Their evil ways, they did not end,
Aunts and uncles, they did offend,
And the horror continued, with no defend.
They took from her, what was not theirs,
Innocent flesh, they treated like wares,
No one to hear her, no one to care,
A life destroyed, in the hands of the snares.

And though she tried, with all her might,
To fight against the endless night,
The darkness won, and snuffed her light,
Leaving the world, in utter fright.

This is the fate, of too many girls,
Their lives destroyed, by society's whirls,
We must stand up, against these wrongs unfurls,
And protect their lives, with all our pearls.