Her Debilitated Innocence

Abhinav Patel

Her heart, once pure and trusting,
Was broken by a love so unjustly.
Her secrets now revealed, her fear growing,
Her studies halted, her dreams lost.

Her heart shattered as her love betrayed,
Her moments, once private, now displayed.
Her studies stopped, fear consumed her soul,
And her pain left her feeling far from whole.

Fear consumed her, her studies came to a halt,
As she struggled to regain what she once sought.
A relative offered a chance to study and grow,
But little did she know, it was a trap, a toxic show.

Her own kin, the ones she trusted, blackmailed her so,
Threatening to hurt her sister, it was a cruel blow.
Against her will, they raped her, destroying her trust,
It seemed like a never ending cycle of unjust.

She thought work would bring an escape, a new start,
But again, she was met with cruelty, tearing her apart.
Her boss saw her as inferior, just a tool to use,
Raped in the elevator, to move forward, she had to lose.

Called to the cabin, told to submit to him,
Her body was a commodity, it all seemed so grim.
A life that once had dreams and aspirations,
Now consumed by pain, violence, and frustrations.

Oh, the plight of the girl, in a society so unjust,
Where she's merely an object, to be used and thrust.
Betrayed by love, by family, by work, by all she knew,
Her spirit may be broken, but her courage will renew.

Let us raise our voice, for the girl's rights to be heard,
To stop the cycle of violence, so she can soar like a bird.
May her struggles never be in vain, may her voice be strong,
For we will fight beside her, till justice is served, till the wrong is gone.