Unleash The Fight For Injustice

Abhinav Patel

This is a tale that's all too real,
A story that transcends time and place,
Of pain and trauma that girls feel,
A danger lurking in every space.

It happens in homes and in classes,
With children and in neighbourhoods,
A vicious cycle that surpasses,
Any attempts to change its moods.

Ask the girls in your own abode,
And you'll find that this story's true,
The same tale that's oft been told,
Of what they've been subjected to.

The danger lurks in every corner,
A danger that's omnipresent,
A peril that's hard to conquer,
An enemy that's quite incessant.

She wonders if she'll ever feel whole again
Or if this pain will always remain
She wants justice, but it seems so far
In a world that doesn't value who they are

This is not just a story, it's a tragedy
A reality that should fill us with agony
We need to stand up and speak out
To make sure this is not what life is about
In this world, men hold the power,
And women are preyed upon each hour,

It's a scary and sad reality,
One that we must address with clarity.
My friend's message struck me to the core,
If only death was a better score,

For girls who live in constant fear,
Of being violated, with no one near.
I couldn't respond, what could I say?
When girls are assaulted every single day,
From the crowded metros to the empty alleys,
Their safety is compromised, their dignity in valleys.

Even when I accidentally collide,
With a girl who scolds, her anger I can't abide,
I know it's not my fault, but I still feel the shame,
For I know the culprit is a man who has no game.

A man who gropes, a man who leers,
A man who masturbates in public and feeds on fears,
This man is everywhere, and I am he,
A part of a society that lets him be.

He puts his hands on shoulders and waists,
He caresses backs and leaves girls disgraced,
He rubs his penis on buses, on hostel walls,
His actions leave scars, and society mauls.

He gives chocolates and shows off his status,
But when he's done, the girl's life is in hiatus,
Her dreams and aspirations shattered,
Her life forever altered and tattered.

I am ashamed, for these forms are mine,
And I know that I must draw the line,
I must be the change that the world needs,
And ensure that women's rights and safety precedes.

The suffocating girls in this society
Their plight is one that none can deny
Victims of a system that's rigged against them
Their fate determined by the whims of men

It starts with a feeling of power and control
A desire to dominate, to own, to hold
In the bed, it's not about pleasure or love
But the rush of power, the animal inside us, we shove

We're not having sex, we're showcasing our might
To prove to the world we're the kings of the night
Our girlfriends know how rough we can be
In the name of power, we rob them of their dignity

This power is not confined to the bedroom walls
It flows into the streets, into public stalls
Where men grope, touch, and harass with impunity
Their power unchecked, fueled by their masculinity

The power dynamics are clear to see
Men hold the reins, and women are at their mercy
A subtle touch, a grab, a groping hand
A constant reminder that women are not in command

The system is rigged, and the girls suffer
Every day, every moment, it's getting tougher
To exist, to survive, to thrive in a world
Where men hold all the power, and girls are left to unfurl

The power of masculinity, a force to behold
A feeling that's nurtured, from young and old
It's the feeling of control, of dominance and might
A feeling so strong, it clouds our sight

In bed, we show it off, our girlfriends know
We don't make love, we put on a show
We display our power, with every thrust
In that moment, we feel like we must

Our power cannot be contained, it spills out
Into the world, it seeks to shout
We massage arms in crowds, we slap hips
We grope breasts, it's all in our grips

We transfer our power, a subtle ritual
One that's been passed down, from time immemorial
When it cannot be contained, it seeks to reign
Over the world, it seeks to maintain

It's a poverty, a sickness that afflicts us men
We want to dominate, again and again
We deny the existence of suffocating girls
We don't care about their cries or their whorls

Our power blinds us, we can't see the truth
The harm we cause, the damage we ruth
We don't care about their pain, their fears
We revel in our power, in our leers

We must stop and listen, to their voices
We must understand, their choices
We must empathise, with their plight
We must fight for their rights, with all our might

The power of masculinity, it's time to rethink
It's time to let go, of this poisonous ink
It's time to embrace, a new way of being
One that's based on love, and true seeing

We must understand, that power is not a game
It's not something to use, to control or maim
It's something to share, to lift up and empower
It's something to use, to build and empower

In this world where masculinity is power
We dominate, we conquer, we tower
Our ego so fragile, our mind so weak
We seek validation from every girl we seek

Our inner poverty is like a disease
It dominates our actions with such ease
We think we love, but do we really?
Or are we just satisfying our own needs, really?

Our girlfriends and wives, they suffer in silence
Our domination over them, it's violence
We don't understand the situation at hand
We think consent is enough to make a stand

But have we ever asked ourselves, have we tried?
To understand the pain we cause, the tears we've dried
The girl who joined us, did she really think
That love is what we did, with consent, like a wink?

Our mindset is our biggest mistake
We can't see beyond our own ego's sake
Why wouldn't we be mad at seeing someone outside?
When we can't even understand the pain we provide

Our poverty is a curse, a plague upon us
It makes us blind, it makes us unjust
We don't see the suffocating girls in our society
We just want to dominate, in every stage and variety

But let me tell you, my fellow men
There is a way out, a way to end
This poverty that we carry deep inside
It starts with empathy, with opening our eyes wide

We must listen, we must understand
The pain that we cause, with our own hand
We must stop dominating, stop using our power
And start loving, start caring, every minute, every hour

For only then, can we truly be
The men that we aspire to see
The ones who respect, the ones who care
The ones who end this poverty, this despair.