Reanalyse Masculinity

Abhinav Patel

As I ponder on this matter,
The weight of guilt and shame
Crushes down upon my heart
For I know I share the blame.

For every time I stayed silent
When my friends spoke in crude ways
I gave them power to objectify
And prey on girls as if they're prey.

And for every time I dismissed
The cries and pleas of a victim
I contributed to a culture
That treats women as slave.

It's time to admit our faults
And take responsibility too
For the crimes and injustices
That women suffer, it's not new.

We need to raise our children right
Teach them that gender is not a divide
That every person deserves respect
And dignity, it's not something to be denied.

Let's not make girls' beauty
A means of measuring their worth
For they are more than just their looks
And their value extends far beyond the earth.

And in our workplaces and schools
Let's call out bad behaviour
And make it known that such actions
Will not be tolerated, nor ever.

For it's the little things we do
That can have the biggest impact
In changing the toxic culture
And paving the way for a better contract.

In the heat of passion, we forget
The weight of our actions, the toll they'll exact
On those we claim to love, to cherish, to protect
Our desire becomes an all consuming threat

We seek to dominate, to assert our power
To prove our manliness in that fleeting hour
We forget the purity of the moment
As we rush to leave our mark, to make it potent

But what about her, the one we claim to care for?
What about her feelings, her desires, her core?
Do we stop to ask, to listen, to understand?
Or do we plow ahead with our own demands?

We forget that love is more than just physical
It's emotional, mental, spiritual
It's a bond that goes beyond the skin
A connection that goes deep within

We forget that our actions have consequences
That our selfishness has repercussions
That the trauma we inflict is not just physical
But emotional, mental, and spiritual

We forget that love is a partnership
That it requires communication and consent
That forcing someone to do something against their will
Is not love, but a violation of their dignity and free will

It's time to wake up, to see the truth
That our actions have a ripple effect, a proof
That we are not just hurting our partners
But also perpetuating a culture that's darker

We need to educate ourselves and our children
On gender equality, respect, and consent
On the beauty and worth of every human being
Regardless of their gender or anything

We need to stand up and speak out
Against stalking, harassment, and assault
To be allies, not bystanders
To break the silence, to be the difference makers

It's time to redefine what it means to be a man
To reject the toxic masculinity that's a sham
To embrace a new definition of strength and power
One that's based on respect, love, and honour

So let's start with ourselves, with our own actions
Let's make a change, let's have a reaction
Let's love our partners in their fullness
Without reducing them to objects of our lust and roughness.

In this world of chaos and pain,
Where oppression seems to reign,
We must look within ourselves,
And change the way we think and feel.

For too long we've let our desires,
Lead us to commit heinous crimes,
Against those who are weaker,
And those who cannot fight.

But now it's time to take a stand,
To change our ways, to understand,
That love is what we truly need,
Not violence or dominance or greed.

We must learn to control our urges,
And see the value of consent,
For it's not about what we want,
But about mutual respect.

Let's show love to our wives and partners,
Not try to force them to our will,
For the power of love is greater,
Than any momentary thrill.

And as we make these changes within,
We'll send a better energy to the world,
A light of hope that shines so bright,
For every boy and every girl.

So let's replace oppression with love,
And send a message to the world,
That we can be better, we can change,
And create a better world for all.