The Deals Of Soul

Abhinav Patel

In a dark and desolate world,
A girl's innocence was sold and hurled,
Into a life of misery and pain,
A life where she has no control or gain.

She was forced to sell her body,
To satisfy the whims of those who were gaudy,
Her tears went unnoticed and unheard,
Her voice was silenced and blurred.

Forced into a life of shame,
Her body used for others' gain.
A victim of society's neglect,
Her future now an uncertain prospect.

Her eyes once held a spark of hope,
Now empty and devoid of scope.
Her spirit broken, her will now weak,
She carries on, day by day, week by week.

No one hears her silent cries,
No one sees the pain in her eyes.
Lost in a world of darkness and despair,
She longs for someone to care.

But no one comes to her aid,
As she continues to be betrayed.
Sold and used like a commodity,
Her life now a tragic anomaly.

She was treated like a mere object,
Used and abused without any respect,
Her dreams shattered, her hopes dimmed,
Her body violated, her soul trimmed.

Her life was no longer her own,
A victim of the vicious and the unknown,
Her screams echoed in the night,
As she fought against this vile plight.

But her cries fell on deaf ears,
And her pain remained unseen and unclear.
For in a world where lust rules all,
A girl's worth is measured by how much she can enthrall.

So let us not turn a blind eye,
To the pain of those who are forced to comply,
Let us rise up and fight against this plight,
And give these girls the chance to see the light.

For they deserve to be loved and cherished,
Not bought and sold like some perishable merchandise,
Let us stand with them and be their voice,
And help them break free from this cruel choice.

For every girl forced into prostitution,
We must show love and compassion.
We must lift them up and offer a way,
To a future full of hope and light of day.

In the depths of our souls, we find a truth,
A truth that transcends our daily pursuit,
A truth that speaks of love and unity,
Of empathy, compassion, and community.

But in this world, so full of noise and distraction,
We often forget this essential satisfaction,
We chase after power, wealth, and fame,
Ignoring the cost, neglecting the pain.

We live in a society that values success,
But success at what cost? What do we address?
Do we measure our worth by the money we earn,
Or by the kindness we show, the lessons we learn?

It's time for us to awaken, to open our eyes,
To see the world through a new set of ties,
To embrace our humanity, our shared existence,
And recognize that we all need assistance.

For in the end, it's not about what we gain,
But about how we live, how we manage the strain,
And if we can find it within ourselves to be kind,
Then a better world we'll surely find.