Be The Wise Change

Abhinav Patel

In this world, so vast and wide
There are those who can't hide
From the eyes that follow their every move
And the hands that invade their groove

These girls, so innocent and pure
Are subject to a world so obscure
Where stalkers lurk in every corner
And their peace of mind they must barter

In a world where power reigns supreme,
The innocent are prey to a sinister scheme.
Girls, vulnerable and pure of heart,
Are subject to society's oppressive art.

Stalkers lurk in every corner,
Their lecherous gaze like a foreigner,
Invading the privacy of a girl's mind,
Leaving behind scars, hard to unwind.

In a society that glorifies masculinity,
Girls are made to feel like a liability.
Their intelligence, their achievements, all ignored,
Their worth measured by their beauty, adored.

They are told to dress modestly, stay inside,
And yet, they are blamed if they are assaulted, defied.
Their freedom curtailed, their choices denied,
Their lives controlled, their hopes denied.

It's time for us to wake up and see,
That a girl's life deserves to be free.
Let's build a world where girls can thrive,
Where their dreams are realized, and they can come alive.

Innocent hearts, pure and young,
Their fate decided before they've sprung,
Forced into unions they don't desire,
Their dreams and hopes now set on fire.

In the depths of the human soul,
Lies a darkness we cannot control,
A force that seeks to dominate,
And dictate the fates of those we hate.

To be married against one's will,
Is a fate too cruel to instill,
A life of misery and despair,
A life that no one should have to bear.

Society's expectations, traditions to uphold,
But at what cost, their hearts sold?
Chains of oppression, they're made to wear,
Their freedom and choice, stripped bare.

Parents, guardians, don't you see,
The damage that you're causing, can't you set them free?
Marriage should be a bond of love and trust,
Not a means to satisfy society's unjust.

Let their hearts and minds be free,
Let them choose their own destiny,
Forced marriages, a tragedy in disguise,
Let's break these chains, and let them rise.

Let them bloom and grow with love,
Let their hearts soar and reach above,
For in their happiness lies our own,
Let's break these chains, and let love be known.

Forced into marriages, they have no say
Their lives become a game, a mere play
Their future determined by the hands of another
Their fate sealed, as if under a spell or a curse

To some, it may seem a cultural norm
But for these girls, it's a life so forlorn
Their dreams and aspirations forever lost
As they become a possession, at a great cost

No longer able to live life on their own terms
Their desires, their passions, all go unconfirmed
Their voices silenced, their spirits broken
Their hearts heavy, and their eyes a token

Of the pain that they carry deep inside
As they continue to live in this forced ride
Their emotions run high, but they cannot be expressed
Their thoughts and opinions, forever repressed

Forced into a world, they didn't choose to belong
Their future dictated, as if they don't belong
Their lives reduced to mere commodities
To be traded, bought, and sold like properties

Their bodies are a gift, but not theirs to give
Their choices, their rights, taken away like a sieve
Their worth, their value, reduced to a price
Their dignity and self worth, taken without a fight

It's time for a change, for a world so new
Where girls are respected, and their dreams come true
Where they can decide, their own fate and destiny
Where their voice is heard, and they can truly be free

Let's break this cycle, this age old tradition
And let girls live a life with ambition
Where they can thrive, and not just survive
And be the best versions of themselves, so alive.

Let's empower them with knowledge and skill
So that they can achieve what they truly will
Let's support them, and give them a chance
To shine bright and make their own stance

Forced marriages, a thing of the past
Let's make a change, that will forever last
Let's give these girls the gift of life
And let them be the ones to decide.