A Cry for Freedom

Abhinav Patel

Oh, the weight of her burden, so heavy to bear,
The scars and the pain, the constant despair,
The feeling of worthlessness, the struggle to survive,
The fear that engulfs her, the wish to not be alive.

Her heart aches with every breath that she takes,
As the memories flood in, and the pain awakes,
The bruises and the cuts, the wounds that won't heal,
The trauma that lingers, the torment she feels.

She wonders if she'll ever be free from this pain,
If she'll ever be able to break from this chain,
If there'll ever be a day when she can smile,
When she can breathe with ease, and rest for a while.

But hope seems so far away, like a distant dream,
As she struggles to escape, from this endless stream,
Of violence and abuse, of horror and pain,
Of a life that she didn't choose, but was forced to sustain.

Yet, in the depths of her despair, a flicker of light,
A glimmer of hope, that shines so bright,
A strength that rises, a spirit that soars,
A will to survive, that refuses to be torn.

For she knows deep down, that she is not alone,
That there are others who stand with her, who have shown,
That there is a way out, that there is a path,
To a life that's worth living, to a future that's bright.

So she takes a deep breath, and finds the strength within,
To rise up and fight, to break from this sin,
To reclaim her life, to find her way,
To a world that's safe, where she can stay.

For she knows that she deserves to live,
To be happy, to be free, to receive,
Love and kindness, and a life that's true,
To be herself, and not just make it through.

And so she takes another step, and another,
Towards a life that's full, and a future that's brighter,
Towards a world where no one will have to feel,
Like they don't deserve to breathe, or to heal.