Disrupt this Cycle

Abhinav Patel

Why blame the girls for what they bear,

For crimes against them, so unfair?
Why shift the blame to those in pain,
And punish them again and again?
Why force them to hide and stay,
When justice should pave the way?

Why victim blame when we should see,
The root of the problem in society?

Why ask what she was wearing or doing,
When the real issue is power and thinking?
Why make her feel guilty and shamed,
When the perpetrator should be blamed?

Why do we teach our daughters to fear,
Instead of teaching our sons to hear,
Their no's, their boundaries, their rights,
And respect them without any fights?
Why do we make the victim suffer,
When it's the rapist who deserves the buffer?

Why blame the girls for what they bear,
When they're the ones who are truly rare,

Strong and brave to face the world,
Despite the stigma and insults hurled?
Let's change our perspective and start,
To support and uplift every broken heart.