Love Language Of Humanity

by Abhinav Patel

In love's embrace, a higher force,
That binds two souls in its pure course,
With every breath, with every kiss,
A union formed, in timeless bliss.

But when the force is one of power,
And love is stripped of its sweet flower,
What's left is but a hollow shell,
Of agony and endless hell.

To force oneself on one's own spouse,
Is to rob them of their very house,
Of dignity and self-respect,
And leave them feeling so abject.

For love is not just physical,
It's spiritual and magical,
And when we seek to dominate,
We seal our own unhappy fate.

Let's cherish those we love and hold,
With tenderness and hearts so bold,
For in that love, we find our peace,
And all our doubts and fears are released.

For only then can we truly see,
The beauty of love's majesty
Love, a word so pure and divine
Yet humans distort it, commit a crime
Forcing themselves on their beloved spouse
To fulfill desires, they cannot arouse

Lust and pleasure, they seek to gain
Ignoring their partner's hurt and pain
Forgetting the bond they once shared
Leaving their love and respect impaired