Love : the power of healing

Abhinav Patel

"Innocence is stolen, hearts left scarred
As selfish actions leave their love marred
Trauma inflicted, wounds deep and raw
Mental state shattered, a painful flaw"

"Consequences of such actions severe
Ruining lives, breeding hate and fear
It's time to understand love's true meaning
To cherish it, and end this darkening screening"

"Let's embrace love in its purest form
Respect, care, and trust, a new norm
Let's put an end to forced desires
And reignite the passion of love's fires."

"It's easy to be swayed by desires so strong,
To demand your own pleasure, ignore what's wrong.
But remember, your wife is not just for sex,
She's a partner in life, who needs love and respect."

"If you force her to do what she doesn't want,
You'll inflict wounds on her spirit that will always haunt.
She'll be filled with anger, sorrow, and pain,
And never be able to trust you again."

"So it's better to start loving her, body and soul,
And appreciate the moments that make you whole.
For love is not just about physical pleasure,
It's about deep connections that you'll always treasure."

"If you cherish her and make her feel secure,
She'll open up to you and love you even more.
Her heart will be filled with warmth and affection,
And she'll find solace in your loving attention."

"But if you abuse her, she'll feel trapped and alone,
A victim of your selfishness, powerless and unknown.
The trauma you cause will never fade away,
And haunt her for the rest of her days."

"So choose your path wisely, and treat her with care,
For love and respect are what your wife deserves to share.
Remember, her heart is fragile, and needs your embrace,
So cherish her always, and let love fill every space."

"The call for gender equality,
A noble cause we must uphold with sincerity
For too long women have faced the brunt
Of societal norms and cultural stunt"

"Their beauty deemed attainable or unattainable
Reduced to objects, often found vulnerable
But who will show compassion to their plight
When their attackers are filled with spite"

"It starts with teaching our children well
About gender equality, a message we must tell
No difference between sister and friend
For the plant has different flowers, yet they blend"

"At work, we must stop our friends
From behaving like stalkers, for it offends
A behaviour that can lead to dire consequences
Or teach others to follow, and repeat offences"

"Looking at girls is one thing,
But staring and doing X-rays, an alarming fling
We must acknowledge the difference
And ensure that it never crosses the fence"

"Forcing a woman to have sex against her will
Inflicts trauma and leaves a mental anguish
Rather, let love and compassion reign
For such moments hold their own significance, don't constrain"

"Let's shun the momentary pleasure
That leaves behind an emotional treasure
And understand the importance of love
That brings joy, peace, and happiness thereof"

"The consequences of ignoring their plight
Are terrible, a black mark on humanity's sight
Let's show empathy, love, and respect
For women, who deserve nothing but the best."