Not a Feminine light

Abhinav Patel

She is not the representation of feminine grace

Whose cruel acts leave innocence in disgrace
No sympathy we offer for her ill willed deeds
As we stand with the purity that victim bleeds

Girls are not merely a word, a symbol to uphold
When their innocence is sacred, we must staunchly uphold
Where they are oppressed, we must rise to support
Where they are exploited, we must strive to thwart

Those who aid in exploitation, they do not belong
For feminine nature sings a different song
Of compassion, kindness, and empathy in kind
And to those who violate it, we leave them behind

We stand with the innocent, the pure and the true
Their stories we hear, their cries we heed, we pursue
And those who dare to cause them harm or pain
We teach them a lesson, for they must not reign

The feminine soul is a light to behold
And those who tarnish it, leave their own stories untold
For in the end, only kindness and love remain
And those who embody it, shall forever reign.