Comprehending Humanity

Abhinav Patel

The power that we hold within,
As men, it is not a thing of sin.
But when we use it to dominate,
And exploit girls, it's a cruel fate.

Our masculinity should not define,
The way we treat the feminine divine.
Sex should not be a power game,
But a moment of love, without shame.

But many men seek to assert,
Their power, making girls hurt.
They rush to see their animal side,
And ignore the purity of the moment's tide.

We use sex to show our might,
To strike a girl's vagina with our sight.
Our girlfriends know how rude we are,
In bed, we treat them like a cheap cigar.

This power transfer, when unfulfilled,
Is released in ways that should be killed.
We massage arms, slap hips and grope,
Asserting power, losing hope.

This poverty of the mind,
Is a common disease we find.
Some control it, some don't,
All want to dominate and flaunt.

Our inner poverty dominates,
Our girlfriends and wives, we deprecate.
Do we love them in those moments,
Or just use them to satisfy our elements?

Do girls think that rape is love,
When they join us, like a dove?
Have we tried to understand,
Their consent, and the power in our hands?

Our mindset needs to be questioned,
Our actions, our thoughts, our intention.
We make mistakes, we must admit,
And learn from them, to benefit.

Love should not be a power game,
But a connection that we can claim.
We must respect girls, their innocence,
And teach the cruel ones, a lesson intense.

For the word, "girl" does not define,
Their actions, their nature, their design.
We must stand with innocence,
And not those who cause turbulence

Compassion for those who abuse,
Is hard to find, impossible to choose,
Their victims, vulnerable and weak,
Are left with scars, both physical and bleak.

How can we claim to love and care,
When we inflict pain, and cause despair?
Our wives and girlfriends, whom we hold dear,
Deserve our love, and nothing to fear.

Don't put beauty in a category,
Unattainable, or too extraordinary,
Girls deserve respect, not just lust,
Treat them with kindness, not disgust.

In the workplace, stop stalking friends,
Their actions could have deadly ends,
Rapists are born, not made in a day,
Teach them now, or they'll surely pay.

Looking is fine, but don't cross the line,
Staring, gawking, is not fine,
Respect boundaries, and their privacy,
Don't reduce them to mere commodity.

Gender equality is a cause worth fighting,
To end the oppression, and stop the biting,
Of those who abuse their power,
And make girls' lives a living shower.

Let us stand with the innocent,
And bring to justice the malevolent,
Teach the cruel, and show them the way,
For a better tomorrow, a brighter day.