The End Of Time

Abhinav Patel

She was pure, a delicate flower,
Until they came, with such power.
Ripped her soul, and left her bare,
In a world, that didn't seem to care.

They took her innocence, with their lust,
And left her feeling nothing but disgust.
Her screams were silenced, by their force,
As they showed her, what was their true source.

But after, when the damage was done,
She was seen, as nothing but a used one.
Blamed and shamed, for their own crime,
Her life was shattered, in no time.

They said she asked for it, with her dress,
As if that gave them the right, to express,
Their animalistic nature, without a care,
Leaving her to suffer, in despair.

But she was more than just a body,
More than an object, for their hobby.
She was a person, with dreams and goals,
A being, with a beautiful soul.

Her voice deserves to be heard,
Her pain should not be ignored.
She deserves justice, and so much more,
For the violence, that she had to endure.

It's time to change the narrative,
To stop blaming and shaming the captive.
To hold accountable, those who inflict,
And to give the survivors, the love and respect.

Let's educate, and spread awareness,
Of the horrors, that they face with fairness.
Let's stand together, as a united force,
To give the survivors, a path to recourse.

Because girls are not just used objects,
They are not just there for men's subjects.
They are human beings, with worth and value,
And it's time we acknowledge, and pursue.

Justice for the survivors, and a world of change,
Where they are seen, as more than just strange.
Where they are celebrated, for their strength,
And their resilience, goes to great lengths.

So let's stand up, and speak out,
Against this crime, that fills us with doubt.
Let's be a voice, for the ones in pain,
And let's never forget, that they are not to blame.

They say she asked for it,
Because of what she wore,
Her body was on display,
So she must have wanted more.

But did they ask her for her consent,
Or even look into her eyes?
Did they ask her how she feels,
Or hear her silent cries?

No, they took what they wanted,
And left her broken and used,
Blaming her for their actions,
As if she had nothing to lose.

But she's not a thing to be taken,
Or an object to be used,
She's a human being with emotions,
And a soul that's been bruised.

She deserves to be respected,
And to live without fear,
To be treated as an equal,
And have her voice be heard loud and clear.

We need to change the narrative,
And shift the focus to the crime,
Stop blaming and shaming the victim,
And hold the perpetrator accountable every time.

Let's teach our children about consent,
And the value of respect,
To build a world where everyone's safe,
And no one feels the need to deflect.

We can make a difference,
By standing up for what's right,
And showing love and compassion,
To those who've lost their light.

Let's stop the blaming and shaming,
And start healing from within,
To create a world where everyone,
Can live without fear and sin.

For every girl who's been violated,
And blamed for the crime,
We stand with you in solidarity,
And vow to fight until the end of time.