Her Walk On Empty

Abhinav Patel

She was just a child, so innocent and pure
But they took advantage, of that she was sure
It was her own family, who she trusted the most
But they abused her, and left her feeling lost

She tried to speak up, to tell someone the truth
But they blamed her, said she was being uncouth
They said she was lying, that it couldn't be true
And so she suffered, with no one to turn to

Her body felt used, like it wasn't her own
She felt dirty and ashamed, like she had grown
Into something ugly, that no one could love
She felt trapped, unable to rise above

But she was strong, despite what they had done
She refused to be a victim, to be overcome
By the pain and the sorrow, that they had caused
She chose to rise above it all, and not be paused

She sought help, from those who believed
Who listened and supported, and helped her to relieve
The burden of the trauma, that she had to bear
She found hope, and began to repair

Her shattered sense of self, and her broken heart
She learned to love herself, and to never part
From the truth of her worth, as a human being
No longer a victim, but a survivor, strong and seeing

That she deserved love, respect and dignity
And that her past did not define her, or her destiny
She rose above the shame, and the blame
And found peace, in her own name

lets strike at the root, which causes such pain
Let us be the change, and never let it happen again
Her family, who she thought would always be there,
Are now the ones who cause her despair,

Her body, once her temple, now a source of pain,
And in her heart, she bears an unending strain.
She feels lost, alone, and violated,
Wondering how her family could be so misguided,

How they could break the sacred bond of trust,
And inflict on her a lifetime of disgust.

The pain is overwhelming, her tears never ending,
As she struggles to cope with the unspeakable offending,

Betrayed by the ones who swore to love and care,
And now she's left with scars that can never be repaired.

She tries to forget, to move on and forgive,
But the memories remain, haunting her as long as she lives,
The shame, the guilt, the fear that they instilled,
All because of the evil desires they fulfilled.

She's blamed and shamed, as if it's all her fault,
For the actions of those who have no remorse or thought,

And society judges her, as if she deserves the abuse,
As if she's the one who chose to be misused.