Innocent Heart's Broken Courage

Aditi Jogdand

Her soul brutally harmed
She feels unarmed
One's heart full of love and care
Lost her courage , dare

Bearing unbearable shamefulness and self blame kills her from inside
Where there was once happiness, innocence , goals reside
The twinkling stars did hold themselves on pause
Where are those basic rights and those laws ?

Just a child small and bold
Only a gentle heart and smile that's what she hold
The little girl child called as the form of goddess durga , kaali
Why did forced her to get stuck in blame's dreadful valley

Did you thought she is voiceless , dumb object ?
Who gave you the right of her soul to dissect ?
That little girl who deserved to fly
Bothering a lot but still silent cry

She prayed that at least once you have heard
What she going through and beared
Nothing can express her trauma and that fear
Everything was clear but didn't appear