Her Broken Wings and Healing Scars

Abhinav Patel

"Innocent children, so pure and true
Their bodies violated, their spirits subdued
Captivity and imprisonment, a life of shame
Their abusers walk free, their victims to blame"

"Metaphors of darkness, their souls in chains
As they struggle to break free from the pain
Their bodies betrayed, their trust in shattered
Their cries ignored, their innocence battered"

"Personified monsters, with evil intent
Taking advantage of the vulnerable, with no relent
Their twisted desires, a sickening disease
Inflicting their trauma, with such ease."

"Metaphors of fire, burning deep within,
As the victims fight back, and refuse to give in.
With courage and strength, they resist and persist,
Breaking free from their tormentors, no longer dismissed."

"The imagery of struggle, a fight to survive,
Against those who seek to harm and deprive.
Their voices now heard, their stories told,
Their resilience and bravery, forever bold."

"The metaphors of light, shining through the pain,
As the victims reclaim their lives again.
No longer prisoners, no longer trapped,
Their souls and spirits, forever unwrapped."

"For these innocent girls, so young and small,
We must stand together, to hear their call.
To end sexual violence, to break the chains,
And give them the freedom, they so rightly claim."

"Innocent girls, with hearts so pure,
Their pain hidden, but still so sure.
Tears they cry, in silence and alone,
Their hearts aching, their spirits unknown."

"Their pain runs deep, like a river untamed,
Carrying with it, memories of shame.
Betrayed by those they trusted most,
Their innocence lost, a cruel cost."

"Their bodies violated, their souls torn apart,
A pain so deep, it grips their heart.
Memories haunt them, day and night,
Shadows of the past, an endless fight"

"The pain they carry, a burden so heavy,
Their hearts and minds, never ready
To face the world, with heads held high
For the pain they feel, will never die"

"Society fails them, time and time again,
Blaming the victim, for the sins of men.
Their pain dismissed, their voices unheard,
A system broken, a tragedy absurd."

"But still they rise, with strength and grace,
Brave warriors, taking back their space.
Their pain transformed, into power and might
As they stand tall, in the face of the fight"
Innocent and pure, a child at play
Her world shattered in one horrid day

"A monster lurking, a predator in disguise,
Stealing her light with sickening lies"

"She trusted him, the one who stole her trust,
A vile creature of malice and lust,
He ripped away her childhood, her sense of self,
Leaving her scarred, in a state of mental health"

"Her body, once a temple, defiled by sin,
The marks left behind a permanent grin
Her pain runs deep, it's etched into her soul
Her trauma so great, it's hard to control."

"The shame and guilt that follows her around,
An unwelcome guest in her mind, always found,
The world can be so cruel and unforgiving,
Leaving her feeling helpless, barely living"

"The memories linger, the flashbacks burn,
The terror and horror of that fateful turn,
The monster's voice echoes, it won't go away,
A haunting reminder, day after day."

"The scars may fade, but they'll never disappear,
The pain may lessen, but it's always near
A wound that's been opened, never to heal
A heart left broken, unable to feel"

"But hope remains, a light in the dark,
A voice that whispers, you're more than a mark
You're a survivor, a warrior, a force to be reckoned
A strength that's grown, from what once was beckoned"

"The journey is long, the road is tough,
But she's not alone, she's got her rebuff
A support system that's there to stay,
Helping her through, come what may"

"The monster's voice grows fainter each day
As she learns to find her own way
Through therapy, love, and faith in herself
She finds the courage to seek out her own wealth"

"But now she finds the strength to speak,
Her story, though painful, must be seen and heard unique.