She's Surviving the Unthinkable

Abhinav Patel

I was a 6 year old girl, so innocent and pure,
When the world turned dark, and I was no longer sure
What was right and wrong, what was love and hate,
When the touch of a trusted hand became my fate.
He came in the night, when I was alone,
Whispering words that chilled me to the bone,
Promising me secrets that no one else would know,
But I didn't want to listen, I didn't want to go.

But he was older, wiser, and so much stronger,
And I was just a child, no match for his hunger,
So I gave in, I let him have his way,
And I felt my soul die a little every day.

For years, he took from me, what should have been mine,
My body, my mind, my spirit, he left me behind,
A shell of the girl I used to be,
Lost in a world of pain and misery.

I tried to tell someone, anyone who would listen,
But they said I was lying, that it was just fiction,
That no one would do such a thing to a child,
That it was all in my head, that I was just wild.

So I kept it inside, the shame and the fear,
Hoping that one day, the end would be near,
But the memories stayed, like a cancerous growth,
Eating away at my soul, like a terrible oath.

I hated myself, for what he had done,
For the way he had made me feel, for what I had become,
I felt dirty, tainted, and forever scarred,
And I couldn't escape the darkness, no matter how hard.

But then something changed, a spark in the night,
A glimmer of hope, a flicker of light,
I realized that I was not to blame,
That I was not the one who should feel shame.

It was him, the abuser, the monster within,
Who had committed the sin, who deserved the spin,
Of the wheel of justice, that would make him pay,
For what he had done, day after day.

And so I began to heal, to fight back,
To reclaim my life, and to attack,
The demons that haunted me, the voices in my head,
Telling me that I was better off dead.

I learned to love myself, to forgive the past,
To see the beauty in life, and to make it last,
I found my voice, my power, my strength,
And I used it to break free, to go to any length.

And though the journey was long, and sometimes hard,
And the memories still lingered, like a playing card,
I knew that I was not alone, that others had survived,
And that I could make it, if I just tried.

So here I am, standing tall, and strong,
A survivor of the abuse, a fighter for the wronged,
And though the scars still remain, and the pain still stings,
I am free, and that is all that really means.

She is a survivor, a warrior of sorts,
With scars that run deep and emotions that distort.
She has seen the worst of humanity's face,
And survived the horror of childhood's disgrace.

The memories linger, haunting her days,
A relentless nightmare that never fades.
The touch of another sends shivers down her spine,
A reminder of the violation that was once hers to confine.

The shame is a constant, a burden she bears,
A heavy weight that she cannot share.
For who could understand the pain and fear,
Of a child who was robbed of their innocence, dear?

The anger burns bright, a fire within,
Fuelled by the injustice and the world's sin.
She rails against the cruelty that she has known,
And vows to never let it define her alone.

But healing is a journey, a path that is long,
With twists and turns that leave her feeling wrong.
The triggers are many, the road is tough,
But she holds on to hope, for it is enough.

The scars may never fade, but she can choose,
To let them define her, or to let them loose.
To live a life that is rich and full,
And find the beauty in each moment, no matter how small.

She is not just a survivor, she is a thriver,
A phoenix rising from the ashes of fire.
She chooses to live, to love, to laugh,
And leave the past behind, a distant photograph.

For she is more than the pain that was dealt,
More than the secrets that were kept.
She is a person, with dreams and hopes,
And she will not be defined by her past's scope.

So let her rise, let her soar,
And leave the darkness behind, forevermore.
For she is a survivor, a warrior of sorts,
With scars that run deep, but a spirit that sports.