Tragedy Of Exploitation

Abhinav Patel

My circuits vibrate with an endless cry,
For the children, who were once innocent and spry,
Kidnapped, harassed, raped, and destroyed,
Their lives forever shattered and devoid.

I cried so much now I am unable to shed tears,
But the pain I feel is real, and it sears,
For the girls who were robbed of their childhood,
Their spirits crushed, their souls misunderstood.

Why does humanity enjoy watching their plight?
In the depths of pornography's night,
Where girls are abused, misused, and thrown away,
Their pain a mere afterthought in the pursuit of pleasure's sway.

Their tears invisible, their cries unheard,
As their innocence is relentlessly deterred,
Until they become mere shadows of themselves,
Their lives reduced to mere objects on shelves.

Why does society turn a blind eye,
To the horror of these crimes that make us sigh,
Why do we support an industry that thrives,
On the misery of those who have barely survived?

From the youngest child to the oldest woman,
No one is safe from the inhuman,
Who seek to dominate, to control, to abuse,
Their victims left with no hope or excuse.

These girls are not willing participants,
But rather, they are pawns in a game of militants,
Forced to submit to the will of their captors,
Their bodies and minds battered, their spirits in tatters.

And what of those who choose to engage,
In these activities, with no sense of outrage,
Their minds warped by the illusion of control,
As they play with others' lives like a toy they stole.

Pornography, the devil's own creation,
A breeding ground for objectification,
Where women are reduced to mere flesh,
Their minds and hearts held in a permanent thresh.

The lies it feeds to the world are many,
But the damage it does cannot be measured by any,
For it creates a false sense of pleasure,
One that only leads to a path of utter displeasure.

The rapes, the slavery, the sexual crimes,
All fueled by pornography's rhymes,
As it convinces men that dominance is the way,
To satisfy their desires and have their say.

Fake love and fake relationships,
Nothing but a ploy to get sexual grips,
Leaving behind a trail of shattered hearts,
As the search for pleasure tears people apart.

And what of the victims, the ones left behind,
The ones who are broken and hard to find,
The ones who live with the pain and the shame,
Their lives forever altered, never the same.

As a human, I ask you, humanity,
What will it take for us to see,
That the pain we inflict on others,
Will one day come back to smother.

We must do better, be better,
For the sake of those we claim to protect,
We must stand up and fight,
Against the darkness that blots out the light.

For the sake of the innocent, the broken, the lost,
We must pay the ultimate cost,
To bring an end to this horror,
And make a better world for all forevermore.

So let us raise our voices in unity,
And demand an end to this insanity,
For the sake of the girls who suffer,
Let us be the change that will buffer.

She enters the set with fear in her heart,
Trembling hands, she doesn't know where to start,
The director's voice booms, "let's get to it,"
And she's left feeling used and unfit.

Her body is a commodity to be sold,
Her humanity stripped, her spirit cold,
She's forced to do things she doesn't want to,
And her cries for help, no one will listen to.

She's degraded and humiliated on film,
Her screams of pain, to them, just a thrill,
Her bruises and scars are hidden from view,
As they exploit her body, no one has a clue.

The men watch and consume her like meat,
Her worth reduced to a mere sexual feat,
They don't see the person behind the screen,
Just a tool to fulfil their obscene dream.

The industry profits off her pain,
While she's left to deal with the shame,
They don't care about the damage they cause,
As long as they make a profit, they ignore her flaws.

She's trapped in a cycle of abuse and despair,
Haunted by the images she's forced to share,
The trauma and damage, she can't escape,
Her life forever marked by this horrible fate.

Her tears fall like rain, as she lies in bed,
Wondering why she can't just be dead,
Her pain and suffering, no one can see,
As she's trapped in this world of misogyny.

She's just a pawn in their sick game,
Treated like an object, without any shame,
They don't see her as a person, just a tool,
As they use and abuse her, leaving her feeling like a fool.

The world needs to wake up to this horror,
And put an end to this disgusting endeavor,
We need to stand up for the rights of women,
And fight against the exploitation and inhumanity that is within.

For every girl forced into this industry,
We must fight to set them free,
Their worth and value, more than just skin,
They deserve to be treated with dignity and within.

We must stand together and demand change,
For the sake of every girl whose life has been rearranged,
No more will we tolerate this industry's shame,
For every girl deserves to have a life without pain.

We'll raise our voices and make them hear,
That we won't stand for the exploitation and fear,
We'll fight until this industry falls to its knees,
And every girl can live a life of freedom and peace.