A Call For The World Beyond The External

Abhinav Patel

Oh kind maidens, hear my plea;
Your heart and eyes to see;
That physical beauty is not all;
In a potential mate, big or small.

Do not let your heart be swayed;
By appearances, do not be played.
For a man may be unfit in shape;
But his character is beyond escape.

Likewise, a woman may be fair;
But her nature could lead to despair,
So do not judge by an outward view,
Look beyond, to see what is true.

If you choose by looks alone;
You may be missing out on one,
Whose heart is full of love and care;
But their confidence, you may tear.

You may be lowering their morale;
And causing them much inner turmoil,
They too, seek love and affection;
But being judged by mere perception.

So I implore you, do not kill;
The spirit of those who strive to fill;
Your life with kindness, mercy, justice,
And fight for you, despite the fuss.

Do not let physical appearance blind;
The true essence are those who are kind,
It is their heart that truly matters;
Their beauty, a mere fleeting flatter.

So kind maidens, hear my call;
And look beyond the physical wall;
In the heart lies the true worth ;
Of a potential mate, on this earth.

Oh dear girls & boys do not judge by mere appearance,
It is just a fleeting and shallow occurrence,
Physical beauty may attract at first sight,
But it is not what makes a person truly right.

Do not be blinded by just a pretty face;
For it may hide a heart of utter disgrace.
He may be fit and muscular, no doubt;
But his character might be full of flaws and drought.

A she may be stunning, but beware;
For her nature might be rotten, so unfair,
Judging them based on looks is a curse,
That can lead to disaster and things much worse.

Do not let the lust of your eyes guide your heart;
For it is a path that can tear you apart,
See beyond the physical and look within;
For that is where true beauty begins.

Kindness, mercy, justice, and love;
Are attributes that come from above,
A heart that holds such treasures within;
Is a heart that shines bright with no deceitful spin.
And she will find the love and mate that's true,
That she truly deserve and a life that's anew

Do not let society's standards dictate;
For they are often just a mere fake,
A person's worth is not in their looks;
But in their soul and how it cooks.

A judge based on mere appearance,
may lead to complete dissonance ;
To show you what true love and care can be,
And that is something that should be cherished and set free.

So, dear girls & boys do not be swayed by looks,
For they are nothing but superficial hooks,
Embrace the beauty of a pure heart,
That is where love and hope will start.

This world full of darkness and despair,
We need to stand tall and show we care,
Love and kindness are our only light;
That can guide us through the darkest night.

So, do not let your judgement be blurred,
By society's norms and ideals absurd,
See beyond the physical, and look within;
For that is where true beauty begins.

The world is full of deception and lies,
And often we are fooled by what we see,
But true beauty is in the soul and mind,
And that is what makes a person truly free.

Do not be swayed by the superficial,
For it is a trap that leads to sorrow,
And the one who judges by looks alone;
Will soon find themselves in a world so hollow.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder;
And true beauty cannot be confined,
For it radiates from deep within;
And it's a beauty of a different kind.

The true value of a person lies not;
In their body, but in their soul and mind,
For that is what makes a person whole;
And it's something that cannot be confined.

It's not the looks, but the personality;
That should be the basis of your choice,
For in the end, it's the heart that all matters,
And it's the soul that gives the voice.

Do not let the world's shallow ways;
Dictate how you choose a partner or a friend,
For true beauty is not found on the surface;
But in the heart, where love and compassion blend.

If we choose someone based on looks,
We are missing out on so much more,
For a person's worth lies in their heart,
And that's what you should be looking for.

It's the soul that matters in this world,
And the heart that beats within,
For that is where the true beauty lies,
And there true love and joy begin.

If you seek a partner or a friend,
Look for kindness, honesty, and grace,
Those are the traits that truly matters,
And they are the ones that will never fade.

Do not judge a person by their appearance,
But by the depth of their heart and soul,
For that is where the true beauty lies;
And that is what makes a person whole.

Remember, my dear young friend;
That looks are not all that they seem,
And it's the heart and soul that truly matter;
And that's what makes a person a dream and will bring self esteem .

In matters of the heart, we often seek;
The beauty of the face, the physique,
But, Is this all that we should find?
In the one that we want to call "mine".

For what lies within, beyond the skin
Is what makes a person whole, within
And though we may be drawn to looks
We must seek out what's in the books

The kindness, compassion, empathy;
These are the traits we need to see;
In those we choose to love and trust,
For these are the traits that truly must.

Guide us through the ups and downs;
Of life's journey, with all its rounds;
And if we choose our crushes based;
On these good factors, we'll be graced.

With a love that's built on a solid base;
And not on looks that time will erase,
We'll find someone who truly cares;
And who won't exploit us or bring us scares.

But if we choose to judge by face alone;
We'll find ourselves in danger zones,
Outer beauty fades away and with it goes;
The love that we thought should always grow.

So let us look beyond the surface shine;
And seek the qualities that truly define;
A person's worth, and in doing so;
We'll find the love that we'll love to know.

And in this way, we'll also see;
How we can change society;
By showing that looks are not enough;
And that true love is built on stuff.

That comes from within, from the heart;
And that's where love starts;
So let us choose wisely, and let us see;
That true love comes from being free.

From the shackles of looks and fame;
And in doing so, we'll reclaim;
Our power to choose with our hearts;
And make a world where love imparts.

Kindness, compassion and the will,
To fight against abuse and to fill;
Our lives with love that's built to last,
And not on looks that soon will pass.