Shattered Yet Unbroken

by Abhinav Patel

The sorrow that doth plague her soul,

A pain that none but she doth know,

Her tears fall like summer rain,

A silent plea for love in vain.

What horrors must making everything endure,

That she doth cry and wail so pure,

A heart so burdened with such strife,

That every night she takes her life.

Her spirit was crushed, her body weak,

No refuge left for her to seek,

A victim of a cruel design,

A prisoner of a world unkind .

How the world hath failed this fair,

Injustice doth her life ensnare,

But yet she doth not yield to fate,

For hope still lingers, though it's late.

With every tear, she finds the strength,

To carry on, despite the length,

Of the path, she must tread alone,

Her courage is like a diamond stone.

And so she cries, with a heart so bold,

For all the tales that go untold,

For every soul that suffers so,

For every heart that longs to know.

May heaven's light guide her way,

And bring her solace every day,

For in her tears doth lie the power,

To conquer all, in life's darkest hour.