Let's Restructure The Narrative

Abhinav Patel

Mothers fail to teach their sons;

That girls are human just like them,
And sisters fail to educate their brothers;
That girls are not mere playthings or gems.

Why do boys not realize?
That their daughters could be next;
That the same horrors, they inflict on others;
Could be inflicted on their own flesh.

Society is shattered and broken,
A girl can't take a single step without fear,
For every step she takes;
There's someone waiting to leer.

Rape and abuse are rampant;
A girl's body is not her own;
The world is cruel and heartless;
She's left to suffer all alone.

But I refuse to give up hope,
To resign to the world's cruel fate,
I'll work to prevent these crimes;
I'll write, I'll fight, and create!

I know I can't stop everyone,
But I'll do my part to make a change;
To teach boys to respect consent,
And that love is not within their range.

Mutual consent is the only way;
To truly show love and intimacy,
To move from a world of rape and fear,
To a world of true love and serenity.

So I implore you, dear readers;
To spread these thoughts far and wide,
To teach boys the meaning of respect;
And to end this cruel and heartless tide.

Every girl is a daughter, a sister, a friend,
A life full of potential, a journey without end,
But why do we fail to teach our sons,
That other girls are also someone's precious ones?

Mothers, sisters, where do you go wrong?
In raising your sons and brothers to be kind and strong,
Do you forget that the other girls they see,
Are someone's daughters, just like you ?

Why do we boys fails to see,
That our actions can cause misery,
That every girl deserves respect and love,
Not to be treated like an object, like a thing to shove.

Our society is broken, it's true,
And every girl's fear is long overdue,
For every step she takes, there's always a threat,
Of someone waiting to exploit, abuse, or make her regret.

Rape and abuse, they tear us apart,
Leaving scars that never truly depart,
But we cannot lose hope, we cannot despair,
For there is always a way to repair.

We may not have all the answers, all the keys,
But we can start with the power of our words, our pleas,
We can write, we can speak, we can fight,
For justice, for safety, for a future that's bright.

We cannot stop every crime, it's true,
But if we can stop even one, it's a breakthrough,
For that one boy taught to respect and love,
May be the one to end this violence from above.