Broken Pieces Of Faith

Abhinav Patel

She knelt down and prayed with all her might,
Begging God to save her from her plight.
But the heavens remained still and quiet,
No saviour came to end her tormenting night.

She was left alone, broken and hurt,
Betrayed by the One she thought would avert
The tragedy that had befallen her life,
Leaving her with a sense of insecurity and strife.

Her faith was shattered, her trust was gone,
As she struggled to cope and carry on.
The fear of being violated again,
Haunted her thoughts and caused her pain.

No words can describe her heart's despair,
As she lost her innocence and her prayer.
Her once unbreakable faith was now stolen,
And her spirit left bruised and swollen.

Yet, she did not give up, she did not yield,
For she knew that she had to heal and rebuild.
She took control of her life once again,
And refused to let the darkness win.

She cried out to God, with all her trust,
To save her from being so unjust,
Raped, violated and torn apart,
Her cries in vain, shattered heart.

Lost, hopeless, feared to live,
Her faith destroyed, her soul to give,
God did not answer, he wasn't there,
No comfort, no solace, no prayer.

Trembling and shaken, she moved on,
A life haunted by what had gone.
Haunted by shadows in the night,
Fearful to hope and lost her sight.

What was it that broke her trust?
Was it the deafness that held her in disgust?
Or was it the goodness that never shone through,
Leaving behind nothing but fear anew.

Burdens too heavy, pains too much,
These are the things that have left her in such,
A wounded soul and frightened spirit,
Where hope once dwelled but now cannot bear it.

It's easy to ask what could be worse,
But nothing compares to this kind of curse,
When she was abused, her trust gone away;
With everything else, pain just stays.

Faith shakes, heart breaks,
She wonders if anyone even cares,
She howls at the moon but silence prevails,
A life of doubt - this is the tale.

Memories flood, nightmares surprise,
Every moment brings distressful cries,
Trapped within the past, yet present remains,
Her mind and body are in shackles, in chains.

The questions haunt her day and night,
Why did it happen? Who was right?
Countless battles fought and lost,
Crushed, shattered and forever tossed.

Caught in a vortex, spiralling down,
Her screams muffled by the ones around,
The fear of another assault is real
Lost in her wounds that never heal.

How much pain can one heart bear?
How much sorrow can one soul share?
So much, it tears the world apart,
Leaving behind just a broken heart.

Crying out to God, but no reply,
No helping hand to hold her high,
Still lost in her memories and tears,
Wishing to have someone to calm her fears.

She calls upon the heavens up above,
Seeking everlasting love,
Perplexed to find nothing to believe,
There’s nothing that could relieve.

Life once filled with love and light,
Now dimmed with horrors and shadows of night,
Betrayed, abandoned and left alone,
She awaits for faith to become known.

Broken soul, scarred beyond repair,
Her heart still bleeds, still stirs there.
Insecurity beyond words is right,
Living in fear with a lost fight.

She now walks in shadows, avoids the light,
Afraid of losing again; it's simple but right.
Every step a torment, every breath uncertain,
Her future bleak, her hope, desertion.

The tale may end, but fear remains,
Wounded hearts are slow to heal,
Time can cure, perhaps in years to come,
Till then, the girl remains undone.

Though her trust in God may be no more,
She found the strength to rise and restore.
Her scars may never fully disappear,
But her spirit is stronger than ever, clear.

She lost her trust in God,
Her faith stolen, her heart flawed.
Raped and helpless, she cried,
But salvation never arrived.

She prayed to her God so much,
The pain intense, it hurt as such.
But all her pleas fell on deaf ears,
Pierced her soul with dreadful fears.

Once in love with her divine,
Now lost, betrayed, and resigned.
Faithless, wandering in dim light,
Trapped in a state of endless fright.

She hungers for some sure hope,
A lifeline to pull her from the slope.
But all she knows is fear and doubt,
Wounded from in and out.

Her sense of security detonates,
A shivering mass of doubts and hates.
In a world where faith cannot heal,
She bleeds and crumbles, her soul to steal.

Shadows lurk in every corner,
Haunting her like a vengeful mourner.
Pain echoes round her twisted fate,
Mourns the God she thought was great.

Every wound and shame she feels,
Blazes with some devouring zeal.
Her heartbroken and filled with dread,
And painful experience ever since she bled.

Her soul savaged by malevolence,
Jaded by the grudge and the conscience.
Who can she turn to in her demise

Who can satisfy her longing eyes?

Her dreams of purity long gone,
Her hopes shattered and withdrawn.
Confiding to no one, too afraid to trust,
Wants no pity or sympathy, for it is shallow and unjust.

She's a prisoner of the night,
Where darkness reigns with gleeful delight,
A victim in a world of beasts,
Where pleasure is served by some feasts.

The demons in her head,
Haunt her every step as she treads.
Her soul a battleground of woe,
With nothing but hate to show.

Unforgiving nemesis of life,
Plots horror against her vibrant mind,
A misery becomes a lifelong strife
That leaves bitter taste behind.

Her spirit sinks deeper in distress,
A soul lost in an endless mess
Of sullenness and hopelessness,
Trapped in a web of helplessness.

Crying rivers for what was taken,
Her existence exposed, her heart shaken.
A once-trusting heart now shattered,
Left with anger boiling in anger.

Fury won't untrammel her emotion,
Nor pain will stop her commotion,
Confused about why this violence he loaded,
Bereft of God, she feels alone & floated.

How to heal wounds that never end?

Who can help her fall and ascend?
As broken as she is,
In the silence she grants herself a new lease.

She seeks love that can still beat,
Yet desbottoned by the trauma that repeats,
Her forever changed and tormented soul,
Stigmatised by the burden of that toll.

A girl helpless, a story sad,
Lost faith in God, which she once had.
Would she ever regain what was lost?
The mere thought brings her in exhaust.

Her life a painful maze,
Haunted by unspeakable malaise.
But deep within her, a gentle fire,
Burning hope in the midst of her dire.

Her soul is not as dead,
As it seems when it bows its head.
Healing takes time, a slow journey,
But with every step, she finds her energy.

Forgetting entirely the past she can't,
Moving on her only chance for a grant,
A strength lies within her that she has to tap,
To push through the barriers and quench her insatiable chaps.

She triumphs, the girl so strong,
Wounded but never did belong.
She deflected the darkness that trailed,
Withstanding the chaos in every detail.

From the ashes of fear & insecurity,
A queen arose - blooming with maturity.
Challenging evil face to face,
Refusing to be a victim or a disgrace.

The world has not yet understood her plight,
The pain that hidden - her incessant fight.
But her scars, merely ink on her skin,
One day, it'll be meaningful like a loving validation.

No longer trapped in a chasm so deep,
The girl is now prepared to leap
Into a world rich with love and light,
Resilient spirit, in flight.

A journey that's just begun -
To restore what was lost then won,
A purpose newfound, so bright,
A story worth looking in delight.

In life, there are trials to face,
A prismatic hue of diverse grace.
But through every hurt and wound,
There are achievements so profound.

It may take a while to heal,
But eventually, she'll find her seal.
Perfection impossible to attain,
Hope remains an infinite gain.

So let us sing a song of hope,
A melody to help her cope.
Let our voices join to uplift,
Wrap our arms around her and gift.

For she is not alone in her plight,
Her destiny now back in sight.
Faith never faileth her,
Her soul, mightier than her hinderer.

The past has gone, a fresh start awaits,
A brand-new chapter in life she creates.
One of love, joy, and hope,
With God or without him, limitless rope.

Now, a flower in bloom
No more feeling invisible in the room.
Life will be kind again,
The sun will shine & remove every stain.

For in the end, it's only strength that lives,
Ingrained in a heart that forgives,
So look ahead, young girl, keep striving,
And keep an open heart from upsurging.

For every heartache and woe,
There's a silver lining to show.
Believe that healing is in sight,
And everything will be alright.

It's true that some scars remain,
But what makes us strong is accepting the pain.
So be brave and take the next step,
In life, love and faithfulness, wrap with prep.

May her spirit soar high,
Her heart happy, no longer cry.
May her life filled with brightness,
Her faith now sown with righteousness.

The girl may have lost trust in God,
But through love, she reclaims her unearthed bod.
With each race that others deem lost,
In her victory, she finds a cause.

Now, despite every obstacle and plight,
The young girl never loses sight.
For beyond the shadows' looming reach,
Faith that triumphs over everything- once breach.

Elevating past clouds in the sky
A spirit soaring on its own high.
Lyrics to God now speak,
For victory was won, and the future is meek.

Forgiveness & strength in every view,
A purpose for the vindicated few.
Life has meaning beyond the pain,
And she can now look ahead with a new gain.

In the end, let good intentions remain,
A hope to heal every ounce of pain.
So be strong and hold on tight,
And follow the stars that still shine bright.

May each tear now turn into strength,
Her struggles a measure of what it takes.
For in life deepest cuts indeed,
We find our strength, love and lead.

And though there are nights so tough,
Where pain crawls in her breath, almost enough,
Let faith find a way to her heart,
And she'll make it to the sweetest part.
though God may seem ever silent,
The spirits of time will never relent,
Faith finds its way through pain,
And she can rise again, no matter how tired remain.

As the world replaces what was stolen,
Within her a hope forever swollen,
A better day dawns on her with love,
Gifting her an eternal happiness bliss of.

She was so lost, so all alone,
Her trust in others, forever gone.
And though she wished to scream and shout,
No words could ever let it out.

For she was nothing, but a shell,
A hollow creature, trapped in hell.
The world had stolen all she had,
And left her feeling oh so sad.

In every shadow, she saw a threat,
And every step was filled with regret.
For what had happened, changed her fate,
And left her in a never-ending state.

Of heartbreak, pain, and grief untold,
Of dreams she lost, and hearts grown cold.
And yet, through all the dark and night,
There came a glimmer of hope, so bright.

For she found strength within her soul,
A force so mighty, it made her whole.
And though her scars would always stay,
She learned to live and love each day.

And so, she rose above the hate,
And found a new, and better fate.
Through all the pain, she found her worth,
A shining star that lit the earth.

For love and kindness, they will show,
The path to hope, and a brighter tomorrow.