Caged By Despair

Aditi Jogdand

"Once her Heart filled with light, without any fear ,
Innocent soul with bright eyes so clear ,
Beauty of life she was yet to share,
But fate had other plans in it's store ,

"A sudden cruel twist , her childhood tore.
With wings once soaring,now torn and broken
her heart weighed heavy her happiness stolen
But the world around her a stormy sea,

"A tempest of advice, but none could set her free
Her trembling heart beats, tremendous questions inside
The increasing doubt in the eyes and blame at such a height
Her dreams and hopes, now out of sight

"Darkness consumed her days and nights
A captive, in a world so strange
Her innocence, a casualty of change
Her eyes, once sparkling with delight

"Now filled with tears, that never take high flight
Her heart, once so full of glee
Now shattered, broken, beyond degree
Her pain, a burden too great to bear

"Weight of it, too much to share
Her soul, trapped in a prison of despair
Her mind, haunted by thoughts so rare
Her voice, now silenced, no more to sing

"Her heart, now broken, no more to spring
Her spirit, now shattered, no more to soar
Her dreams, now shattered, no more to explore
The suffering she endures

"A fate so cruel, she never deserves
But still, she fights to break free
To live a life which was meant to be
Let's stand, by her side

"With love and hope, let us provide;
A path to freedom, a light to guide,
A way to heal, and not just hide
Her innocence , light of hope so fair

"Her beauty of heart and strength, beyond compare
Let us sing a song, of love and care
And help her heal, her heart repair.
Her voice will no more be stuffed with fear so underserved

"And we'll build up a society where our futures preserved
Where brightness of hope will never be dim
And all hearts be safe seem
Where she can dream and grow

"And can choose path she wants to go
Where innocent is protected
And cruel traditions rejected
Let's make changes , be wise

"Break the cycle of pain and kindness precise
Let's give her a chance to shine which she deserves , and align
Where her heart can finally fly
And her spirit can finally touch the sky

"Let's be the change we want to see,
And create a world where all can be free
Where kindness will be our land
And we all hold each other with a helping hand

"Where she can dream and heard
Let's built the way for a future which leads humanity upwards
Where her she can speak loud and clear
And her dreams will finally reappear.