A Box of Buried Memories

Aditi Jogdand

Each day self blame is the accessory she wore
She isn't dead not alive , at the shore
Each day ended with juvenile wounds
and rosen with numb sound

The marks he gave weren't the less ;
that she got injuries by those she faced
Her life , dreams became extinct mess
Her thoughts becoming just a box of buried dead body
But her sufferings still unknown to everybody

She is tired of those fake smiles as a face mask
Why need to always answer all fine when they ask
Her hopes became burden of her longtime
words always stayed the same to rhyme
But she is tired of it , to be honest
She can't pretend anymore to be the best

It has been a long time , but she isn't cured
The pain still engulfs her soul inside
In the crowd around her side
the strange and heart tearing presence she still finds

Eyes turned red with cry each night
But in morning nothing was visible sight
She is tired of continuing this hurting fight
Okay fine , you are right ;
But kind justice keepers please don't tag ;

Her to be wrong and her pain a lie
Time didnt had that power to fade her memories
Though society forced her to pretend to be alright
Otherwise she'll be again buried with the same kind of wounds , she
unable to fight

This isn't a fairytale she told to entertain
Its reminder for us to retain ;
Her dignity and her respect
Which is her right , do not suspect