Her Broken Rise

Abhinav Patel

The pain of a soul that's shattered,
It's pieces scattered, tattered and battered,
Feeling as though it's unworthy of breath,
Struggling to hold on, wishing for death.

The memories and marks of violence and hate,
Haunt her still, a burden too great,
Robbing her peace, leaving her in fear,
Sleeping on a bed of death, so near

No words can capture the depth of her pain,
The trauma, the shame, the loss, the disdain,
For what was done to her, without her consent,
A cruel act that no one should ever invent.

But though the darkness may seem endless,
There is hope, there is light, there is tenderness,
In the arms of those who love and support,
She can find strength, and a path to resort.

Let her know, that though it may seem dire,
She's not alone, and her pain is not entire,
For there are those who stand by her side,
Ready to help, ready to provide ,

So let us pledge to stand against hate,
To speak out against violence, to not abate,
For in the fight for justice, we shall prevail,
And the broken shall rise, and their light shall never pale.

Let's stop blaming the victims for what they wear,
Or for being out late or for being there,
Rape is not caused by the clothes they choose,
But by the rapist's desire to abuse.

Let's stop making excuses for the perpetrators,
And stop minimising the impact on the survivors,
Rape is a violent violation of consent,
And the damage it does cannot be undone or spent.

Let's educate our young ones on healthy relationships;
On consent and boundaries, on respectful trips,
For when we teach respect and empathy;
We foster a culture of love and sympathy.

Let's hold the perpetrators accountable,
And let the survivors know they are valuable,
For in the pursuit of justice, we must not rest,
Until rape and sexual violence are put to the test.

The conversation around rape must change,
To one of empathy, support, and range,
Where the survivors are uplifted and heard,
And the rapists are held accountable and deterred.

So let us reframe this conversation,
And work together for a better nation,
Where rape is seen as a grave disgrace,
And a culture of consent takes its rightful place.