Her Crushed Wings

Abhinav Patel

In a house that once was a home,
Lived a girl who was all alone,
Her family, the ones who should protect,
Were the ones who caused her to deflect.

Their love was tainted with violence and hate,
Their hands, once gentle, now would berate,
Her body, her soul, her every being,
Leaving scars that no one was seeing.

Her mother, once kind and caring,
Now caused her daughter much despairing,
Her father, once strong and brave,
Now made her feel like a helpless slave.

The siblings, once her closest friends,
Now joined in the abuse and its deadly ends,
Their fists and words like daggers sharp,
Cutting deep, leaving a lasting mark.

And so she wrote, in her diary each night,
Of her pain, her fear, her will to fight,
And though her family had made her feel small,
She knew that someday, she would stand tall.

For the power of words, of love, of hope,
Is a force that can help one cope,
With the darkest of nights and the hardest of days,
And bring one closer to the light's warm rays.

So though this girl's story may be tragic,
Her spirit, her words, are truly magic,
And may they inspire us all to stand,
Against abuse and hate, hand in hand.